Wednesday, June 3, 2015

So.. DId i actually storyboard my first app?

Hello everyone! Since the last time I posted, I have made a TON of progress! By that , I mean my very rough storyboard is complete! It's not aesthetically pleasing yet, but it gives you the jist.  I would say I succeeded because my goal was to get the whole visual layout of the app on the table, and I feel as if I've done so. I think I succeeded because I made a layout for every single page , I made it simple enough to understand, and I now know what direction I want to go in for the continuation of this app development. From this experience, I learned that I have the ability to to do anything I set my mind to. Believe me, I never thought I would even touch a website or mobile site creator. But I did, and that shows me that I shouldn't be afraid to try things outside my comfort zone.  This journey has made me want to challenge myself. What can I improve? What will make mine look different from any other app? These are questions I want to answer in the future.  If I had another semester to work on this, I would definitely try to fix some of the things on the storyboard. I would make it appealing to the eye, and I would scale it to fit the mobile version (which takes forever). Then, I would possibly pick up a coding book and start learning to code from scratch! So now talking about the Ted Talk, I think I was decent. I had my stumbling moments here and there, and I repeated some stuff, but I barely looked up at my slides! I pretty much knew what I wanted to say and I felt like my slides were great guidelines for me to remember the topics. Preparing for my Ted talk was slightly hard because I suddenly had to recall my challenges and the things I learned ( I looked back at my blog posts a couple times) .  I wanted my presentation to look clean ,not messy with words all over the screen. I feel like the less words you have on a presentation, the more memorable the speech.  I got a lot of help from my dad who makes a lot of presentations, and he helped me get my confidence to have fun with it!  I overall thoroughly enjoyed this reject and I can't wait to continue with it in the future!

ted talk:(unfortunately i could not get it to load on my blog :(  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Making Progress!

Hi everyone! Since the last time I posted , I have made significant progress. In fact, i am 2/3 done with the storyboard, and then I will be on to the overall design ( the pretty background and cute fonts). In the past 2 weeks, I have been working on the different sections for my  app ( the diet journal, the list of doctors, the profile, and the prescriptions). So far , there haven't been many road bumps. I do keep learning more and more about the website, like an important feature that allows me to link pages to each other. For example, if you clicked on "Diet Journal" on the profile page, it'll link you directly to that page. It was pretty simple to learn how to do it, after playing around with some buttons. One major thing that I noticed, was that I have overcome my fear of algorithms. There were so many steps involved for each section. For example, the log in page was more than just a long in page. I had to create pages to a "forgot your password" and create an account" page! It's a little hard to explain, but it was my biggest fear.  The great thing about Wix is that everything is super straightforward. Also, it's really easy to go back and fix mistakes. One challenge Im facing right now , is scaling the website version to fit the mobile app. As I may have mentioned in a previous post, Wix converts your Website to a mobile version. The only downfall is that things get scaled differently on the mobile version. I decided to present the website version to the class, but my dream for this app is to get it scaled properly on the mobile version by summer! By the next blog post, I hope to have 3/3 of my storyboard done as well as the design. This is where YOU come in! If any of you have any color scheme or design suggestions for this medical and health- related app, let me know in the comment section!
Till next time!
I uploaded a picture of the Profile outline down below! If you have any suggestions, feel free to suggest !

Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog 4

This past week, I decided  to work on the defond component of my app.Working on thr "forgot yout password" and "create an account" pages. I learned how to create a button in which can link you from one tab to another.For example, if you click on "forgot your password" on thr log in page, thr button will take you to that page.It's much more simplified than I imagined it would be! The biggest challenge I have faced is scaling the data on the website page to fit my mobile app page.Because the scale is a little off and the data is widely spread on the page, it's hard to compress it all neatly onto a mmobile page.luckily,I have learned  to work around it and have gotten use to it.Im currently working on the profile and the different components that the app will feature.By nect week, I would like to have the list of doctors tab finalized as well as the diary tab.
Until next time!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

From Coding to Designing (changing the mission)

After deciding that there is a plethora of information on the internet about coding, and that I am not actually coding the app, I realized I would be better off storyboarding the app. In other words, giving you the visual representation of my app! So follow my APPventure!

Recently, a fellow classmate told me about a free site called Wix,which helps you storyboard an app for free! I'm going to use this app to create the layout for my application. The site is great because it has simplified things as much as possible. So far I  have created the log in.I know it's not much, but I really wanted to use this time to get use to the website and all its different tools. A challenge that I faced this week  was understanding what kind of process it would be to storyboard the whole thing. The word itself, is more complex than I imagined. Lets say you've created the log in page. Think you're done? Ha. You have to storyboard the page that users would go to if they forgot their password for example. There's a lot of detail that goes into it, and I definitely was not prepared for that.  For my next step, Im going to be creating the "forgot your password page" and the "create an account" page.  I've learned that I like to learn things in the simplest way possible! I could have gone with other storyboard outlines but they were very complex.

I have provided a screen shot for the log in page! All suggestions are welcome- also I still red to add 2 links (forgot password , and creating account) to the log in page so please ignore that! Lastly, Im still in the process of finding the perfect background, are the roses too girly?
Till next time!
PS. PLEASE IGNORE THE BLUE LINKS !Dont know why my computer keeps doing that..

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The first step

For the first step towards creating the app development steps,  I thought it would be a good idea to figure out what tools would be necessary for the process, as well as defining key terms like Class, Objects, etc. What I have learned, is that this is step 1!  I learned that multiple programs need to be downloaded and that since this is an IOS app,  a Mac of some sort is required.  Through this process, I've learned that research is more than just clicking on the first 2 links that appear on Google. Instead, you really have to accumulate enough thought on a fact to see if it is valid. For example, one person may say "unicorns are real," but just because one source says it, that does not make it true.  My setback is that there are so many different ways to go about creating an app, and finding the perfect one is difficult. There are countless video tutorials that show you the process, but they are all different.  I plan to stick with Apple's Guide to building an app an watch tutorials and read information that is on the same page as Apple. My next mission is to research Xcode and how it would be used to develop the app.

Basic Terminology:
1.) Objects- they group data that have similar behavior
2.) Class - describes the behavior of any object
3.)Objective C Programming- main programming language for IOS, it is object-oriented
4.) Code -expresses the logic of the interface

Tools Necessary:
- Mac: Xcode only runs on OSX
- Xcode: Where you write your code/ create app. Lets you write the code of response to user interface and run the application
- Swift:easy programming language, makes coding easier
- Ios Developer Program- Lets you publish apps into the app store/ install on device (no other way to put it on a device )
- Itunes Connect: Lists all the available applications on iTunes/app submission

Monday, March 2, 2015

Intro To The Blog!

     The title for my blog is Nadia's Appventure. I chose this title because it is punny  (funny/pun), yet explains what my process of learning app development will be like. 20 Time is a project that allows students in my class to dedicate 20% of our time to working on any project of our choice,ANYTHING. The essential question I have asked is " Can I create an app that allows people with diseases to take control of their body?" My 20 time project is to learn/plan an app that will give people dealing with medical conditions/diseases a chance to track their diet, prescriptions,  and appointments, all while keeping a journal and a social media feature that connects people dealing with similar conditions.
    My goals for this project are difficult, but not impossible! With the help of my computer programmer family, a couple books, and the internet, I'm going to learn how to create an iPhone application for my app idea.  By the end of the semester, I want to have all the steps to storyboarding an app ready, so that I can proceed to make the app in the years ahead. I will measure my progress by tracking the steps on this blog, so that people like me who know  nothing about app development can look at them too.  As a student who has never had any affiliation with the process of app development, I'm going to prove to myself and others like you, that anyone can make an app! SO join me on my APPventure!